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Educator Tools


We know introducing students to environmental issues at a young age is important, but we also realize that educators need to check off those Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) during the semester. 

Our partners are here to help! Below you'll find TEKS aligned lesson plans and links to other great education sources with downloadable tools. 

Wanting something a little different? Contact us please! We can help with directing you to a nearby conservation partner, finding the perfect speaker for an event, information on local cleanups, and so on! Email with any questions or requests.


Lesson Plans:   

Click on title to access link. Activities are coded E=Elementary, M=Middle School, H=High School.



Keeping Ourselves Safe and the Environment Clean


Litter Tag

M, H

Bottlenose Dolphin Activity Trunk

E, M, H


Scientific Investigation and Reasoning:

What makes people litter?

M, H

The Lorax and Sustainable Development 


Litter and Environmental Stewardship



Water Bottle Game

and the Significance of Marine Debris

Online Resources We Love:

  • Nurdle Patrol

    • Are you a teacher that teaches students about environmental issues? Then we have a kit just for you! It’s called a Teacher Nurdle Kit, and it has a curriculum for your students to learn about how plastics reach the ocean and all the materials needed for the teacher to explain the problems and solutions clearly. This interactive kit comes with 6 glass jars of nurdles where students will work in groups to help discuss plastics, how they get into the environment, what the harmful impacts are, and what can be done to prevent plastics from reaching the ocean. How to get a Teacher Nurdle Kit? Fill out this form: 

  • Texas General Land Office- Adopt a Beach

    • Adopt a Beach Lesson Plans. The purpose of these lessons is to educate children (ages 5 to 14; grades K through 8) about coastal issues in a way that is fun and challenging. There are six lessons, each with a specific message to help students broaden their knowledge of marine debris and coastal issues.​

  • NOAA Marine Debris Program

    • Educator's Guide to Marine Debris in the Southeast and Gulf of Mexico

      • This guide is designed for educators in both formal and informal education situations. It is a regional introduction to three main categories of marine debris: litter; derelict or abandoned boats; and lost or abandoned commercial and recreational fishing gear. Appropriate for grades 5-8.

    • Marine Debris Monitoring Toolkit for Educators​

      • ​This toolkit provides many useful marine debris resources and adapts the MDP's Marine Debris Monitoring and Assessment Project, a robust citizen science monitoring initiative, for classroom use. The Toolkit is designed to assist teachers in educating their students about marine debris and involving them in marine debris research and outreach. Using the Toolkit, students conduct marine debris surveys, which can help to provide valuable information on where, when, and what kind of debris is showing up.

    • ​Activities and Curricula

      • Download an assortment of puzzles, brain-teasers, coloring activities, and formal curricula for Grades 1-12. All curricula and activities are available for download and print.


  • North America Marine Environmental Protection Association

    •  NAMEPA’s array of educational materials can be utilized by students, educators, parents, seafarers, and industry professionals. Three NGSS-aligned curriculum guides provide interactive lessons for educators to adapt to their own classroom. Their activity book, flyers, and handouts can be used by anyone to educate others on the marine environment, marine pollution and how to prevent it, and the maritime industry. Register to download or request copies of  educational materials! Select resources available in English, Spanish, and French!

  • Marine Litter in European Seas - Social Awareness and Co-Responsibility

    • ​Within MARLISCO the educational material “Know Feel Act! To Stop Marine Litter” has been prepared to inform, sensitize and enable European teachers and students to take action to tackle the problem of litter in our seas and coasts. The material has been designed to primarily serve youth aged 10-15 yrs, but can be used also by educators outside the formal schooling system.


This webpage was set up to communicate and share our progress as we initiate, develop and begin acting on the Galveston Bay Watershed Aquatic Debris Action Plan:
A regional partnership plan for addressing litter and marine debris. 
Please note the purpose of this action plan is to serve as a guidance document or a central point of reference for improved collaboration and coordination among the multitude of stakeholders across the greater Galveston Bay Watershed to avoid duplication and optimize the efficiency and efficacy of efforts.

The document is not intended to be regulatory or specifically binding on actions or timeframes.

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