Galveston Bay Report Card and Action Network
Galveston Bay Foundation
Sasha Francis
The Galveston Bay Report Card and GBAN have been highlighted frequently in Galveston Bay Foundation's new virtual education series "At Home WIth the Bay", during our virtual events, and online workshops. The Report Card website tool, What You Can Do offers users the ability to select and filter suggestions of how to help the Bay based on their interests, location, time commitment and more. Links in the action item suggestions connect them with resources and relevant partner organization information The GBAN app will be fully updated by May 1st and be hosted for at least another year. Updates focus on users easily sharing details of their pollution reports and being encouraged to report even smaller instances of pollution. A new infographic was made to support this outreach and videos created earlier in the program are being shared again during this time when people are more involved in social media.