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Microplastics Study in Tributaries to Galveston Bay

U.S. Geological Survey

Zulimar Lucena

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), in cooperation with the Galveston Bay Estuary Program, is conducting a microplastics study in tributaries to Galveston Bay. Water samples will be collected at nine sites across the Galveston Bay Watershed at various hydrologic conditions. Tributaries include: Trinity River, San Jacinto River, Buffalo Bayou, Double Bayou, Chocolate Bayou, Dickson Bayou, and Clear Creek. Sample analysis will be completed by the USGS Microplastics Laboratory. A second phase of this study is scheduled to start later this year. During phase two, samples will be collected at ten locations in Galveston Bay. The results of this reconnaissance study will provide a preliminary assessment of where microplastics are found in Galveston Bay and its contributing watersheds and provide the foundation for future study and abatement.


This webpage was set up to communicate and share our progress as we initiate, develop and begin acting on the Galveston Bay Watershed Aquatic Debris Action Plan:
A regional partnership plan for addressing litter and marine debris. 
Please note the purpose of this action plan is to serve as a guidance document or a central point of reference for improved collaboration and coordination among the multitude of stakeholders across the greater Galveston Bay Watershed to avoid duplication and optimize the efficiency and efficacy of efforts.

The document is not intended to be regulatory or specifically binding on actions or timeframes.

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