Sims Bayou Meander Restoration
Houston Botanic Garden
April Lloyd
The Houston Botanic Garden is redeveloping the 132 acre former Glenview Golf Course near I-45 and Park Place. The northern portion of the site is an island bounded by a Sims Bayou meander. The meander is bordered by a combination of public and private land on the outer bank and by the Garden on the inner bank. As an initial step, we would like to partner with an existing group to develop a litter removal and long-term litter prevention plan focused on this portion of the bayou. We hope that this is a long-term partnership with a focus on community sustained litter prevention and removal. The Garden is currently exploring grant opportunities with the coastal management partnership program, but we are open to partnering with other funding organizations, if there are suggestions. Our goal today is to focus on long-term litter prevention, with the first step being clean up, then community engagement. With community support, we hope to improve the health of this part of Sims Bayou. We need assistance with plan development and resources from someone experienced with waterway-based cleanup. We are in the early stages and welcome advice and experiences that will help us build a successful program.